Boundary Zone Map

Your school district is growing fast! In fact, Royse City ISD is ranked #5 in the DFW area for annual new home closings. The district grows by about 1,000 students annually. Thankfully, Royse City ISD voters approved recent bond elections to allow the district to build new schools, buy land for future schools and complete school expansions. The purpose of this communication is to answer some frequently asked questions when it comes to the impact of the growth within our 77 square mile boundary. Click here to view the CURRENT school boundary zone map. 

Moving or rezoning students and families is not a decision made lightly. Fast growth, however, can result in frequent rezonings. Please note that each time Royse City ISD opens a new school, the rezoning process will be required. Factors like, quality of thoroughfares, bus transportation and proximity are all considered. 

The opening of Paula Walker Elementary (Waterscape) in August of 2024 requires the district to develop new elementary boundary zones. Goals for this rezoning include reducing the enrollment of W.R. Fort Elementary, Anita Scott Elementary and Ruth Cherry Elementary. A drafted boundary zone will be shared with the community in late October for feedback. A Rezoning Talk event will occur on Tuesday, November 28 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. in the Royse City College & Career Academy at RCHS. Approval of the new zone could take place in December of 2023. This will not go into effect until the 2024-2025 school year. The boundary zone development for Elementary #8 (Creekside) will occur in the Fall of 2024 for its opening in August of 2025. 

The completion of a 12 classroom expansion at Ouida Baley Middle School (OBMS) in August 2024 allows the district to adjust middle school boundary lines. The goals for this rezoning are to reduce enrollment and overcrowding at Bobby Summers Middle School (BSMS) and to align with the new elementary boundary zone. A drafted boundary zone will be shared with the community in late October for feedback. A Rezoning Talk event will occur on Tuesday, November 28 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. in the Royse City College & Career Academy at RCHS. Approval of the new zone could take place in December of 2023. This will not go into effect until the 2024-2025 school year. The opening of David & Shirley Magness Middle School in August of 2026 will require the district to conduct a middle school rezoning in the Fall of 2025.  The rezoning process for Magness Middle School will occur in the Fall of 2025 for its opening in August of 2026. 

Kevin Worthy Fate High School (WFHS) will open in August of 2027 with freshmen and sophomore classes. WFHS is located on FM 552 in Fate, Texas. The boundary zone development for this new campus will take place in the Fall of 2025. 

SCHOOL BRANDING, MASCOTS & COLORS With the opening of Worthy Fate High School in 2027, the district is taking steps to establish brand identities for each secondary campus. The below steps are in the works: 

  • Royse City High School will remain the bulldogs with black and gold colors.

  • WFHS will receive a new mascot and color scheme. This should be announced in October of 2023. 

  • Baley MS will remain the Bulldogs with black and gold. This is due to the fact that the campus previously served as the district’s high school. 

  • Summers MS will receive a new mascot and color scheme prior to 2026. Student input will be a priority. 

  • Magness Middle School will receive its individual mascot and color scheme prior to opening in 2026.

  • Elementary campuses will not receive individualized mascots at this time as they already identify with their school namesake and established campus themes.