Updates will appear here.

Important information regarding health, safety and other pertinent topics can be found on the RCISD Safe - Critical Updates page. The Communications Office works to update guardians via email, text, phone calls and social media depending on the situation.

Critical Updates
In the event of an emergency, the Royse City ISD utilizes the Standard Response Protocol. Utilizing the all-hazards approach to emergencies, the SRP teaches students and teachers how to properly respond to an emergency situation. The Royse City ISD Communications Department will work with and support campuses to quickly disseminate information in all situations involving school and student safety. Depending on the nature of the event, the district will utilize one or more of these tools: district websites, phone calls or texts, emails, social media and local news outlets when necessary. Guardians are encouraged to notify their child’s school if phone numbers or email addresses are changed during the year. Please review our Critical Updates framework of communications for these five Standard Response Protocol situations. Communication efforts of the district may vary depending on the situation and the recommendation of law enforcement partners if applicable. FERPA laws apply.

HOLD | Students and staff are to remain in their current room or area. This helps ensure that the hallways are clear. Holds do not always indicate a threat to students or staff. If a student has a medical situation in the hallway, a HOLD can keep hallways clear until it is safe to return to normal. HOLDS are not always communicated to parents as they can be frequent and are isolated to a small number of individuals.
SECURE | Students and staff are remain inside a building. Outside doors are locked (as always), but visitors are not accepted during this action. Students can move freely about the building. SECURE situations can occur at the request of local law enforcement or law enforcement activity in the area. SECURES are typically communicated to guardians with permission of law enforcement partners. Email and/or text messages may be utilized in a SECURE.
LOCKDOWN | Students and staff are to lock doors, turn off the lights and stay out of sight. LOCKDOWNS are serious measures to protect students and staff within the building. These drills are practiced regularly. These are called when there is a perceived threat within the building. LOCKDOWNS are always communicated to guardians with permission of law enforcement partners. Phone call messages, texts and emails may be utilized with limited information in a LOCKDOWN. Do not attempt to visit the impacted campus.
EVACUATE | Students are staff are removed from a building either briefly outdoors or relocated to another safe location. EVACUATIONS can occur upon a fire or smoke detection alarms. Gas leaks or damages to a campus can result in an EVACUATION. EVACUATIONS are always communicated to guardians. Brief EVACUATIONS are communicated to guardians via email. Longer EVACUATIONS and any relocation efforts will be communicated with phone call messages, texts and emails.
SHELTER | Usually weather related. Students and staff are guided to appropriate shelter areas on campus. Campus visitors will not be permitted to enter the campus during a shelter as office staff will also be in SHELTER mode. SHELTERS are always communicated to guardians. Most likely, this communication will take place after the event has passed. This allows all staff to focus on student safety first and communicate externally after the threat has passed.
Requests for public information are handled in accordance with the Texas Public Information Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 552.001. All requests for public information should be submitted, in writing, to the Chief Communications Officer. Any person who requests public information has the responsibility to submit in writing to Adi Bryant, Chief Communications Officer.
All media requests should be sent to Adi Bryant, Chief Communications Officer, or by phone at 972-636-2413. Please note that some situations may require the Communications Office to first handle staff and parent communications prior to media communications.
Press conferences, if held, will be announced publicly and with as much advance notice as possible.
Royse City ISD is part of the Rockwall County Crime Stoppers program. If you wish to report a tip about something that is happening on a campus, you have several options:
You may phone in the tip to 972-771-TIPS (8477).
You may email your tip to www.rockwallcountycrimestoppers.com
You may text your tip to “CRIMES” (274637) and put Rockwall plus the campus name included in the tip.
Scan the QR code below and select the campus on the web based P3 site and enter your tip information.
Students who step forward with anonymous tips leading to arrests will be eligible for cash awards through the program, based on an internally recognized model.
School and police officials agree that most students want to do the right thing to keep their schools and neighborhoods safe but sometimes fear reprisals. The Student Crime Stoppers Program offers the safety of complete anonymity while promoting responsibility and allowing students to take action against victimization and crime.