Since 2019, Royse City ISD has been named a Best Community for Music Education by the National Association for Music Merchants. This is awarded based on a district's financial investment in music education as well as participation and success within its K-12 music offerings. From theater and drawing to dance and band, we are proud of our students and their successes each year.

The Royse City ISD Fine Arts Department is committed to providing outstanding educational experiences and performance opportunities for the students of Royse City ISD. Our goal is to deliver a diverse, well-balanced curriculum to our students for the purpose of promoting a strong work ethic, creativity, higher-level thinking, healthy social skills, and a lifelong love of the visual and performing arts.
Fine arts education in Royse City ISD begins in Kindergarten and continues throughout our students’ elementary and secondary educational experience. It is our desire that any student wishing to participate in a collegiate fine arts program develop the necessary ability and skills to accomplish their goals. Our faculty members are all degreed and certified specialists within their individual fields and we have a wide array of performance organizations in which students may participate to further enrich their academic career. Please take a moment to explore our site to learn about our programs or see a calendar of upcoming events and shows!
Elementary schools have art & music educators
Middle schools offer art, band, choir & theatre
Royse City High School offers art, band, choir, theatre & dance